Sunday, July 20, 2008

What is Your Destiny

What is Your Destiny's.

Sunday 7-20-2008

I went to church that morning. The sermon hit me like a nail and hammer. What is your destiny?

Your destiny is what you create it to be.

Sundays are usually the longest day when you are single/divorced. You can make the day what you want it to be. Along with that what is your destiny just to sit and have self pity or to get up and live and dance to a new life song. The choice is yours!

As for myself..this was how I spent my Sunday. Remember you only can take life one day at a time.

That afternoon I went to the movies with a good friend. We saw Wall-E silly but fun show. It was one that was simple and you can laugh and have a good time with. After the show we went for a burger. Yes simple, but enjoyable. We talked of the show and our lives. Good advice shared on simple things, auto repair, weather, and recalling other old movies with animation creatures in them. One came to mind was a robot called No.5. Neither one us could recall the name of the movie. It was one of those items you know you should know it but just can't think of it. We came back to my place to research on the net. our search term was "Movies robot No5." there it popped up "Short Circuit".

The rest of the evening was spent with conversation, good laughs and atruly enjoyable with a good friend. What a great way to round out the weekend or on the other hand start a new week.

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