Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holidays, No Time for A Self Pity Party

Ladies. the holidays are approaching fast. This time of year can be stressful. It is easy to fall into a ruit and have a self pity party. Please, please have plans. Do not sit at home all day and all alone. Due to divorce this may be the year your children are with your former spouse. So grad yourself by the boot straps and make plans. There are many things you can do to raise your self esteem and self worth.

Here are few ideas or things to do this holiday season.

1. Attend a local food self or kitchens and help serve meals to the homeless etc.

2. Call your best friend and ask if she needs help with her dinner. Being around friends is great and you can never have enough positive people in your life.

3.If you have family close by go to their house. Think of the dollars you would have spent to have a meal at your home and use that for gas money to see your family.

4.Attend a movie. There are so many new movies out and when you attend an afternoon showing is much cheaper than evenings.

5. See what your local church has planned and attend or help with their functions.

As you can see there are many things you can do this holiday season. For myself this year I am going to take the money I would have spent on a Thanksgiving meal and travel to Iowa to see family and friends. Then for Thanksgiving I have a friend who will travel with me and drive to Illinois to my fathers for the holiday weekend.

I feel very good that I took charge and made thiese plans so I am not just sitting around the house doing nothing. Being with friends many times around the holidays are the best medicine a doctor could order.

Enjoy yourself and enjoy your life.

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