Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jigsaw Puzzle

Are you a jigsaw aficionado?

If you have worked complicated jigsaw puzzles,you know three things them:

First, They take time. Few people can put several hundred pieces of a puzzle together rapidly. Most large and complex puzzles take several days,even weeks, to complete. The fun is in the process, the satisfaction in the accomplishment.

Second, the staring point of a puzzle is usually to identify the corners and edges, the pieces with a straight edge.

Third, jigsaw puzzles are fun to work by oneself, but even more fun to work with others. When a "fit" is discovered between two or more pieces, the excitement is felt by all the participants.

Consider the day ahead of you like a piece in the jigsaw puzzle of your life. Indeed, its shape is likely to be just as jagged, its colors just as unidentifiable. The meaning of today may not be sequential to that of yesterday. What you experience today may actually fit with something you experienced several months ago, or something you experienced several months ago, or something you will experience in the future. You aren't likely to see the big picture of your life by observing only one day. Even so, you can trust that there is a plan and purpose. All the pieces will come together according to God's design and timetable.

On some days, we find straight-edged pieces of our life's puzzle-truths that become a part of our reason for being. On other days, we find pieces that fit together so we understand more about ourselves and about God's work in our lives, with others and inviting them to be part of the process of discovering who er are.

The main thing to remember is to enjoy the process. Live today to the fullest, knowing one day you'll see the full picture.

Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be.- Grandma Moses

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